Read Excerpts from…
Forsaken Realm
Part One of
The Summoner’s War
An Epic Fantasy Adventure

Click on the links below to read excerpts
Dear Reader,
I would love to provide more chapters for you to read on this site. However, since I intend to make the book available for Amazon Prime members (for at least the first 90 days of publication) I can only share up to 10% of the book’s content on the web.
If you are a Prime Member be sure to find the book on Amazon (I will provide a link when it is available.) If you are not a Prime Member the book will be available on Amazon for purchase. There will be promotional pricing available and (if you sign up for updates) I will be sure to let you know when the promotions are in effect. Even without the promotion, the price of the book will be very reasonable.
I hope you enjoy the book and I would love it if you would write a review after the book is released.
CR Francis
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