C.R. Francis
The guy in this picture is CR Francis. He’s my husband. He’s also a fantasy writer. Betsy Mitchell, who edited his first book for us, says his writing reminds her of Terry Brooks (Eeep! Terry Brooks!). She should know, she edited Terry’s books for years. His writing fits in the epic fantasy genre, more specifically, action adventure epic fantasy. His books are just a whole lot of fun.
Rick writes amazingly great books, lots of action, lots of twists and the best characters. This takes a good deal of time, and believe me we all want him writing every spare moment. So I will be writing the blog posts.
Also pictured is me, Cathy, wife to writer and avid book reader and amateur writer myself but mostly an editor, but only when I’m not out in the real world earning a living or playing video games (like Skyrim, Minecraft or Portal). Or knitting (I sell my patterns on Ravelry). Check it out if you’re interested. Link here.
We live in Portland, Oregon, though I’m from California’s Bay Area and he’s from Montana and we had an adventurous year living in gorgeous Alaska. We have two wonderful kids, who married wonderful spouses and though they visit frequently we wish they’d come over more. : ) Also we have two dogs, two cats, a small fish tank and delusions of gardening.
You can contact us at crfrancis AT gmail DOT com Or get instant gratification by clicking here.
Just say ‘Hi,’ we’d like that.
You can read samples of the book soon.
You can preorder the book (please buy the book!) soon, too. We’re almost ready to take preorders. This is how much of a savvy and amazing individual you are. You are way ahead of the game! Also, you are super cute and smell good. Publication date is early January.

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