Hail and Well Met

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If you are looking for information about novels or other works by C.R. Francis this is the right place.

Pardon our dust, Cathy and I are currently in the process of arguing about how best to update this website (don’t worry, our marriage is safe) and will have more stuff here soon.

Happy reading!

Books by C.R. Francis

Forsaken Realm – Part 1 of The Summoner’s War

Available Now on Amazon! Cast into a Dark World! All Meg ever wanted was to be safe. And rich, of course. She and her sister have been running from trouble all their lives. But this time, one elegant heist has transformed into a story much bigger than either of them realize.

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Read Samples from Forsaken Realm

Excerpt from…

Forsaken Realm

Part One of
The Summoner’s War
An Epic Fantasy Adventure

Prologue: Washed Away

Blood and rain dripped from the wagon onto the cobbled street of the busy market district of Kerjeel. A crowd made up of neighbors and other bystanders flanked two young girls in mourning. Jamine was crying.

Meg was too numb to cry as she stared at the sheet-draped shapes laying in the back of the wagon. Mr. Horak, their landlord, was telling the whole story to one of the city guards.

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What Readers are Saying

An Excellent Read

Never heard of this author before, but I am glad I bought the book. My only gripe is the first few pages/chapters seemed a bit disjointed. After moving on from the “mundane” world the story gets it’s legs under it and really starts rolling. There are some loose ends that I am looking forward to finding out about in the next book. I was a bit shocked that it ended the way it did, but I can certainly say it makes me want the next book. Excellent job, looking forward to your next installment.

Shawn (Independence, Macau)

This is How it’s Done!

Francis is a literary mastermind. His ability to engage young readers and still leave additional substance for adult readers is Rowling-esque. The juxtaposition of the sisters’ personalities drives the tale all on its own, and leaves you begging for more. Excellent first entry by Francis.

Roy Smith (Aloha, Oregon USA)
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